Why Neptune's?
At Neptune’s Taphouse and Eatery we know restaurant life is tough work, we wont lie, call us crazy but we still LOVE it. If you’ve been in the industry but left because of the events of the last year and a half we want you to love it again. If you’ve never worked in the industry, we’ll show you why we love it and you will too.
We are in the business of hospitality, and we believe working in the service industry is absolutely a career you should feel good about and be PROUD of, while earning a living wage. We are proud to provide an environment for our guests to #DineAndShine year round in Livingston, MT. We are professional, we do our share and hold one another to high standards. We don’t have to sit at a desk all day, we get our steps in! We get to socialize as part of our job, we get to put our head down and work through a rush, we get to be creative, we make high quality products from scratch and our job is to make others happy. We have supercool shorthand lingo, that you can learn too if you become part of our club! We believe that every single employee deserves to be treated with respect by staff, managers and customers. Our management team has an open door policy, we want to hear from our staff. Every manager is a working manager, we understand the jobs you do because we do the jobs too. We have fun while working hard to serve our community. If you’re looking for a busy, fast paced place, where you’ll never be bored to spend your days while making a great income, Neptune’s Taphouse and Eatery is the place for you